On the road again - Eugene, Oregon - 5/25 to 5/31/2021

Heading to Eugene, Oregon with trips to Crater Lake, Klamath Falls (day trips of exploration with the dogs) and a journey to see the covered bridges near Cottage Grove. 

In planning this time hubby headed out with one dog early and I am following in the car with other dog. Six hour drive and going to have a relaxing day getting there. 

First stop ferry. Got a late start. Taking cookies for Valor so he feels comfortable in our travels. Set up back area with his bed and blanket for familiarity. Lots of water on board and pillows 😁.

Hubby and I are driving separately today  Minu-Aussie, Skye, went with him RV. They are already enjoying our site facing the lake.

Preparation is everything

It is important for dogs who travel to have a certain routine  that routine has to be fun and mean “here we go”. I wear a certain hat, I use only for travel.

The cue that we are going camping.

We set up, pack, load the same way every time. We have good snacks and never raise our voices  traveling can be scary for dogs and RV travel 10x that of just a car excursion  so keep it positive and happy  Dogs learn by association and consequence  when this happens we go RVing, and that determines how the dog handles it.

How do you know if your dog is NOT a happy traveler? 

Their respiration will be high, they will pant, pace and will not be able to settle  they might whine or back away from vehicle.

How can you help them?

Talk softly, reassure them, have a word that means good things are happening  ours is “let’s go camping!”. Also, Tellington Touch is great, bodywork, found here www.Tellington touch.com  Having Happy Traveler brand calling chews on hand can take the edge off given one hour before leaving.  Have lots of fresh water, as any stress at all can cause dog to ge thirsty  Most if all, remaining calm will help your dog remain calm.

Six hour drive highlights: (dog fun)

Stop at Starbucks and got Valor an egg bite, and had breakfast and coffee  

Played music as we headed out  can be very comforting, calming - we tried several different types interspersed with quiet periods

Valor is able to travel two hours, then needs to stretch legs, pee and sniff around, so we did that three times. When traveling with dogs it is important to know what they can handle in duration.

Arrival at destination, we all were happy to be there  we are next to a lake  

More tomorrow on chillin’, walks, and training day two  


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